Joseph Wakim

Describe your experience of creating a single persona from different users’ perspectives gathered in the interview data. Was there enough commonality between the 4 people interviewed to form a coherent persona? Or would it have made more sense to create a second different persona?

We started getting similar situations which made sense to create a second persona. Due to the range of demographic in the group, the experiences of public transport varied. It was interesting to see patterns forming, which helped with the creation of the personas into the different archetypes.

Do you think your final persona was successful in generating empathy with users? What would you change to make it better?

Yes, we were able to understand the frustrations of the persona user, and this would help during our designing process. We can not solve a problem if we do not know the actual problem to begin with. By understanding their background, behaviour, motivations and frustrations, empathy can more easily be generated. I would have liked to include more pictures to aid more visually. A lot can be identified through images of a persona’s backstory and how they interact with their surroundings.